Thursday, July 16, 2009

This photo was taken against a brown brick wall with black framed door but I changed all the
background colors to green. I like it, what do you think?

Sunday, July 5, 2009

If you are hiring a photographer for senior portraits, what do you look for? Does this photographer do any touch up work or do you want them touched up?

In the photo to the left is a very attractive young lady but, to me, the image need a little punch.
The colors lack brilliance and there are some minor blemishes on the young lady's face. If you saw her in person, you would say she is pretty but the camera has a way of bringing out too much detail.

This is the same photograph with a little work done to it. The dark areas have been darkened a little. The face has been smoothed and the blemishes removed. The eyes are enhanced, bringing out the beautiful blue. The hair is also softened but not as much as the skin. It has a shine to it.
I think it is a more attractive image to make into a print and display. Years ago before digital. You might say in the horse and buggy days, Photographers would send their selected images in to the photo lab where they would print the picture and then painstakingly hand color the photograph to hide any minor flaws. Those days are gone for the most part and now the work is done by the photographer or his assistant.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Soccer Star

This young lady is headed for UNL . With all that talent and good looks and great hair, how can she go wrong.


This young lady was a natural poser. I didn't have to do much but shoot. I will post other shots soon.