Sunday, March 16, 2008

Some Recent Seniors

Posting some sample photos of recent High School seniors we have taken.

Omaha at Night

This is Omaha Qwest Center at night. Some places look better at night just before sunset. The sky is a deep blue and you can make out the buildings and details. I think it adds a special flavor to the photograph. I will post other photos of Omaha at a later time.

Family Wall Portrait

How would a portrait like this one look on your wall? To me it is art. What better art to have than your own family looking good for all who come to visit to see. I am not saying you don't need other types of art in your home, but you should have at least one adequate sized portrait in a prominent place.
Allow me to consult with you and your family about a wall portrait. We will determine if an indoor or outdoor setting is appropriate for your family. There is no charge for a consultation, done in your home at your convenience.

Singsation 2008

Group photos taken at Singsation 2008 at Millard West High School will be sent out early next week, that being March 17, 2008.
Sorting, packaging and shipping should be done for most orders. There are a few orders trickling in and they will be taken care of asap.